Final Project - Collage
Here is my final triptych :) The movie I chose to base the project on was "Mongolian Ping Pong". The theme I extracted was modern society imposing itself onto the main family in the film.
In the story, there is a member of the community who often visits the different families and brings them modern goods to trade. (ie. a coffee pot, a television.) The family has to sacrifice so much for each item, that what they end up with seems very special and valuable. They relish in the moments of making coffee, and try for hours to receive any sort of signal on their television :)But in the end, I'm left with the question of "Would they 'need' it if they didn't know it existed?" Basically asking whether or not advancing technology is a necessary thing to have in order to live comfortably or be happy.
Mongolia is very flat and arid in appearance, and the images of the green horizon under the light blue sky were the most memorable for me. I tried to translate that landscape's feel to my triptych by using these colors (in fabric and raw silk)in a very horizontal way. Then I used my sewing machine to attach a slew of catalog advertisements to them, my way of representing the encroaching "modern world". Technological society seeping into their landscape.
I put a very simple sphere shape in the middle panel to represent the Ping Pong ball, which was the main focus of the film. I layered different textured sheets of paper, and a small catalog clipping in the center. I was attempting to prompt the viewer to investigate the image further. To take a closer look, much like the children did to the ball they found floating in the river.